Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Famous San Juan Killer Whale is Presumed Lost

From Orca Network: According to Ken Balcomb of The Whale Center, J1/Ruffles, has been missing since late November. This is very sad news for all who follow the Southern Resident community of orcas, as J1 is the oldest male, father to MANY offspring in all three pods, and his HUGE, beautiful, ruffled fin was the most visible and recognizable fin in the entire community, and he is loved by us all.

I filmed J1 many times over the years and never ceased to marvel at this magnificent orca. It is sad to know he is gone. You can see him in The Dolphin Defender and in the closing title sequence of the series Challenge of the Seas (filmed 12 years ago).

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to reduce methylmercury in the oceans? Is there any way to innoculate apex predators, like orca and dolphin, against methylmercury? Considering the theory that female specimens are surviving longer than males due to their ability to "offload" the methylymercury through their milk after giving birth to a baby, is there any way to "offload" methylmercury in male specimens? We need some scientists (with funding) up in here!
